Is it possible to like many different kinds of music? Do you have that feeling like you're a promiscuous walrus as you listen to Britney Spears one minute, and Marilyn Manson the next? Well, if you do, you're just weird.
I listen to many kinds of music. And not only listen - I like what I'm hearing most of the time. I like the swagger and the wit of British music. I like the exploration of the human essence in New Age. I like the music videos of Britney Spears and The Pussycat Dolls when they are on mute. I like the moving tunes of Indie music.
Of course there are forms of music which I will avoid like Cher's plastic surgeon. The artistes of bubblegum pop should choke on bubblegum and die of both the choking and of toxic infection from their make-up. Any musicians who do dangdut should be danged to hell.
But if there's any type of music I could never resist, it is the heavy guitars of hard alternative rock. And here are some songs of the alternative rock genre that get my adrenaline rushing faster than a really good porn flick can.
Lovercall by Danko Jones
Wicked Game By H.I.M
Disposable Teens - Marilyn Manson
Sleep Now In The Fire - Rage Against The Machine
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