Jemal Doublehump was a camel.
He lived in Arabia back in the good ol' days of 1568.
His master was named Abdul.
One day, Abdul decided that he did not need Jemal anymore.
So he decided to sell Jemal to a trader from China.
When Jemal found out, he was sad.
He was a sad camel.
Back then, there was no money.
To buy and sell things, people used barter trade.
They exchanged things for other things they might use.
For example, in 1568, a comb was going for a sack of rice.
Abdul sold Jemal to the Chinese trader for a pack of peanuts and three rolls of cheese.
Abdul went home happy.
He loved peanuts and cheese!
The Chinese trader went home happy.
He could show his people this strange, magnificent animal!
But Jemal was sad.
Not because he was leaving Abdul.
Abdul was heavy and it hurt his lovely camel humps anyway.
Not because he was leaving Arabia for a different land.
He didn't like the weather here.
He was sad because Abdul sold him for a pack of peanuts and three rolls of cheese.
He had lived such a long, hard life and all he was worth was a pack of peanuts and three rolls of cheese?
Jemal felt rather offended.
He priced himself more along the lines of a mansion, a filled water trough and a mountain of very sweet, edible hay.
What an existentialist camel!
Jemal was a rather existentialist camel.
He trodded back to China, feeling very down.
Poor Jemal!
In his brain, he said to himself what many people want to say to their mommies.
He said, "Fuck."
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