Some people love to throw questions. At the government, at newspaper editors, at their parents, at their kids - they're always questioning why some things are the way they are. They question issues that carry far less weight in its need to have an answer, as compared to, say, the questions raised surrounding the Bermuda Triangle.
So in this entry, I shall answer questions thrown at me in the course of this week which I deem slightly worthy of being answered. Those more worthy were already answered, and those less worthy I shall not bother with at all.
So let's get down to business...
Qn 1: Suff, what do you think of national day?
I view national day the same way today's Singaporean youths view fog-treatment toilet tiling.
Qn 2: What do you want from all this?
A pineapple.
Qn 3: Hey, what's wrong?
Cher's plastic surgery.
Qn 4: What do you like about her?
The fact that she's female.
Qn 5: Okay imagine I'm an Nsman and you have to teach me about the M203. How are you going to start the lesson?
The M203 works best when it's up your ass.
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